| Hash | Commit message | Author | Date | Files | + | - |
1 | commit 1ee086828d86c1ae6d4ebb862c36bd5db3ab776e |
2 | Author: Connor Etherington <[email protected]> |
3 | Date: Fri Jun 3 21:04:02 2022 +0200 |
4 | |
5 | Update. |
6 | --- |
7 | auto-min.csv | 28 ++++++++++++++++ |
8 | min.csv | 102 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ |
9 | 2 files changed, 130 insertions(+) |
10 | |
11 | diff --git a/auto-min.csv b/auto-min.csv |
12 | new file mode 100644 |
13 | index 0000000..ddabc5a |
14 | --- /dev/null |
15 | +++ b/auto-min.csv |
16 | @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ |
17 | +A,python-lolcat,"Improved version of lolcat providing shell syntax-highlighting functionality."[41m |
18 | +,starship,"a cross-shell prompt for astronauts." |
19 | +,betterbin,"A collection of the AutoLinux base platform shell scripts."[41m |
20 | +,betterzsh,"Configurations to enhance user experience within the ZSH shell." |
21 | +A,tty-clock,"A terminal clock." |
22 | +A,lf-git,"an extensive terminal file manager." |
23 | +A,ttf-font-icons,"a collection of terminal icons." |
24 | +,bc,"a simple to use dropdown calculator." |
25 | +,fwupd,"Firmware update support" |
26 | +,lsd," ... No words needsd for this one ;)" |
27 | +A,nerd-fonts-anonymous-pro,"a collection of my favourite fonts." |
28 | +A,nerd-fonts-mononoki,"a collection of my favourite fonts." |
29 | +,figlet,"some terminal shenanigancz ." |
30 | +,neovim,"vim on steroids." |
31 | +A,clipdl,"A simple script for downloading the most recent media link coppied to your clipboard" |
32 | +A,pman,"A minimal CLI download manager for all major package managers and URLs/Torrents" |
33 | +,npm,"a package manager for javascript." |
34 | +,myip,"a helpful tool to find your public ip address." |
35 | +,paru,"an aur helper similar to yay." |
36 | +A,terminal-headers,"Scripts provide colorful terminal headers, meant to be placed in your shells rc file" |
37 | +A,qcopy,"Easily save important snippets such as passwords for quick access copying at any point" |
38 | +A,lfp,"LF-Preview, a wrapper for the lf file manager with image previews, and other features" |
39 | +,ripgrep,"a turbo version of the grep command." |
40 | +,python-pynvim,"provides support for neovim to prevent issues." |
41 | +,unzip,"alows user to unzips .zip files." |
42 | +,fzf,"a fuzzy finder tool." |
43 | +,highlight,"can highlight code output." |
44 | +,htop,"a graphical and colorful system monitor." |
45 | diff --git a/min.csv b/min.csv |
46 | new file mode 100644 |
47 | index 0000000..075a352 |
48 | --- /dev/null |
49 | +++ b/min.csv |
50 | @@ -0,0 +1,102 @@ |
51 | +A,python-lolcat,"Improved version of lolcat providing shell syntax-highlighting functionality."[41m |
52 | +,starship,"a cross-shell prompt for astronauts." |
53 | +,betterbin,"A collection of the AutoLinux base platform shell scripts."[41m |
54 | +,betterzsh,"Configurations to enhance user experience within the ZSH shell." |
55 | +,ttf-linux-libertine,"package with the sans and serif fonts." |
56 | +,ttf-dejavu,"package which provides the dejavu fonts." |
57 | +A,tty-clock,"A terminal clock." |
58 | +A,lf-git,"an extensive terminal file manager." |
59 | +A,ttf-font-icons,"a collection of terminal icons." |
60 | +A,youtube-music-bin,"Native youtube music desktop application."[41m |
61 | +,exo,"An application launcher for '.desktop' files." |
62 | +,rofi,"A window switcher, application launcher and dmenu replacement." |
63 | +,bc,"a simple to use dropdown calculator." |
64 | +,xsel,"a command-line program for getting and setting the contents of the X selection." |
65 | +,dosfstools,"allows your computer to access dos-like filesystems." |
66 | +,mtools,"a collection of utilities to access MS-DOS disks." |
67 | +,libimobiledevice,"A tool used to teather your phone to your pc for internet connection." |
68 | +,pv,"Used to monitor progress of various commands." |
69 | +,progress,"Adds additional features and formats to extend pv functionality." |
70 | +,efibootmgr,"user-space application used to modify the boot manager of EFI systems." |
71 | +,packagekit,"A system designed to make installation and updates of packages easier" |
72 | +,packagekit-qt5,"To manage packages from Arch Linux repositories" |
73 | +,flatpak,"Flatpak packages support" |
74 | +,fwupd,"Firmware update support" |
75 | +,gnome-software-packagekit-plugin,"PackageKit support plugin for GNOME Software" |
76 | +,libnotify,"utility allowing for desktop notifications." |
77 | +,dunst,"a suckless notification system." |
78 | +,exfat-utils,"allows management of FAT drives." |
79 | +,feh,"another useful command line tool for setting wallpapers." |
80 | +,lsd," ... No words needsd for this one ;)" |
81 | +A,nerd-fonts-anonymous-pro,"a collection of my favourite fonts." |
82 | +A,nerd-fonts-mononoki,"a collection of my favourite fonts." |
83 | +,xwallpaper,"sets the wallpaper." |
84 | +,lxappearance,"a tool allowing the changing of desktop themes." |
85 | +,picom,"a compositor for x." |
86 | +,figlet,"some terminal shenanigancz ." |
87 | +,tilda,"one of my favourite terminal emulators." |
88 | +A,gtk-theme-arc-gruvbox-git,"gruvbox community edition providing the dark GTK theme." |
89 | +,neovim,"vim on steroids." |
90 | +,mpv,"a video player." |
91 | +A,clipdl,"A simple script for downloading the most recent media link coppied to your clipboard" |
92 | +A,pman,"A minimal CLI download manager for all major package managers and URLs/Torrents" |
93 | +,gnome-characters,"An application very similar to kcharselect." |
94 | +,sxiv,"Simple X Image Viewer." |
95 | +,dzen2,"a hackable ncurses-like menu/status bar." |
96 | +,man-db,"lets you read man pages of programs." |
97 | +,pass,"Stores, retrieves, generates, and synchronizes passwords securely." |
98 | +,pass-otp,"A pass extension for managing one-time-password (OTP) tokens." |
99 | +,moreutils,"a collection of unix tools." |
100 | +A,brave-nightly-bin,"an elegant browser with built-in adblocking, tor and other features." |
101 | +,qutebrowser,"a customisable keyboard-driven vim-like browser." |
102 | +,noto-fonts-emoji,"emojis." |
103 | +,ntfs-3g,"allows the mounting and reading of NTFS drives and partitions." |
104 | +,pulseaudio-alsa,"To manage ALSA" |
105 | +,pulseaudio-bluetooth,"For bluetooth support." |
106 | +,pulseaudio-equalizer,"For equalizer sink." |
107 | +,pulseaudio-jack,"JACK sink, source and jackdbus detection." |
108 | +,pulseaudio-lirc,"For infrared volume control with LIRC." |
109 | +,pulseaudio-zeroconf,"For Zeroconf (Avahi) support." |
110 | +,bluetooth-autoconnect,"Automatically connects to known bluetooth devices." |
111 | +,pulsemixer,"terminal based volume/audio controller." |
112 | +A,sc-im,"an excel-like terminal spreadsheet manager." |
113 | +A,lfp,"LF-Preview, a wrapper for the lf file manager with image previews, and other features" |
114 | +,unclutter,"hides an inactive mouse." |
115 | +A,python-lolcat,"unicorn puke-like text ." |
116 | +,exa,"a utility that spices up the various ls commands." |
117 | +,unrar,"allows for the extraction rar files." |
118 | +A,yt-dlp,"A much faster fork of youtube-dl." |
119 | +,npm,"a package manager for javascript." |
120 | +,jp2a,"utility for converting JPG and PNG images to ASCII art." |
121 | +,nodejs,"evented I/O for V8 javascript." |
122 | +,myip,"a helpful tool to find your public ip address." |
123 | +,paru,"an aur helper similar to yay." |
124 | +A,dwm-autolinux,"Concise build of Suckless DWM." |
125 | +,auto-st,"Concise build of Suckless Simple Terminal." |
126 | +A,terminal-headers,"Scripts provide colorful terminal headers, meant to be placed in your shells rc file" |
127 | +,ez,"Task simplificaltion scripts for increasing the speed and efficiency of common tasks" |
128 | +A,qcopy,"Easily save important snippets such as passwords for quick access copying at any point" |
129 | +A,lfp,"LF-Preview, a wrapper for the lf file manager with image previews, and other features" |
130 | +,lib32-vkd3d,"direct3D 12 to vulkan translation library." |
131 | +A,ytfzf,"a posix script which searches for youtube videos via CLI and plays them localy in mpv." |
132 | +,xcp,"provides a progress bar when copying files." |
133 | +,ripgrep,"a turbo version of the grep command." |
134 | +,python-pynvim,"provides support for neovim to prevent issues." |
135 | +,unzip,"alows user to unzips .zip files." |
136 | +A,wal-git,"Generate and change colorschemes on the fly." |
137 | +,elinks,"my preferred terminal browser." |
138 | +,ghostscript,"An interpreter for the PostScript language, useful when working with PDFs." |
139 | +,networkmanager,"a network connection manager." |
140 | +,xcape,"allows for the custom keymaps in the build." |
141 | +,xclip,"provides ability to copy and past from the command line." |
142 | +,xdotool,"provides window action utilities in the command line." |
143 | +A,whatsapp-nativefier,"Whatsapp desktop." |
144 | +A,youtube-cli,"a CLI based youtube music player." |
145 | +,poppler,"manipulates .pdfs and gives .pdf previews and other .pdf functions." |
146 | +,fzf,"a fuzzy finder tool." |
147 | +,highlight,"can highlight code output." |
148 | +A,task-spooler,"queues commands or files for download." |
149 | +A,simple-mtpfs,"enables the mounting of cell phones." |
150 | +,htop,"a graphical and colorful system monitor." |
151 | +G,https://gitlab.com/a4to/dmenu.git,"runs commands and provides a UI for selection." |
152 | +,slock,"allows you to lock your computer, and quickly unlock with your password." |